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Happy organizing

Happy organizing

What a strange combination of words! Happy organizing sounds like an oxymoron, that figure of speech born out of the combination of contradictory words.

In common language, we associate organization with to-do lists, standardized procedures, deadlines, road maps, plans, agendas, binders, excel files.

But what’s there to be happy about this?

Sure, we have moments of personal satisfaction when we are making a deadline and feel in control of the situation. But how long does it last? As soon as something unexpected happens, our happiness goes out the window!.

This happens because we are living increasingly complex and constantly shifting lives.

Our lives are made of dimensions the boundaries of which are not always clearly defined.

A professional, manager and entrepreneur, I am used to dovetailing my work and family commitments.

When I remote work, I happily share my desk with my kids while they do their homework.

I’m a multitasker at heart.

I followed courses to learn the most effective methods to organize my life. I read time management and space organization manuals. I tried to implement the things I learned but it felt like I was complicating my life even more. Organizing my appointments and drawers was simply not enough.

What’s the use of being organized if you’re not happy?

“As without, so within. as within, so without”

Hermes Trismegistus

It is said that re-organizing our physical spaces and time can clear our mind and create mental order. But is this actually the kind of order we’re looking for? What comes first? Creating order in our physical space and time or our mental order? What about our emotional order?

Through the happy organizing approach you can create order in your inner environment and, at the same time, in your various outer environments (work, home, friends, parents) by choosing what you really need, what is truly meaningful for you, what makes you happy.

You can start this path from any area (yourself, your intimate relationship, your family, your work, your space, your time).
It is an exciting path back to your Self!

Regardless of what area you choose to start from, every other area of your life will also start to fall into place like magic.

This path streamlines and brings serenity to your life, creating light, color, time and space to devote to everything you really care about. It becomes a way of life.

The happy organizing formula

Less waste, more value

I help managers, entrepreneurs, professionals and remote workers :

  • give more value to their natural talents and use them toward more gratifying activities;

  • give more value to time, to minimize the investment in time-consuming yet unimportant activities;

  • give the right value to their spaces (office, home, home-office), in order to organize their professional and personal life in a balanced and harmonious way.

How can you be more organized and happier:

Start training: Happy and organized

An experiential workshop that will let you custom build your happy organizing plan.
The happy organizing formula. More value and less waste: how to apply it to your talent, time and space.
Practical stories and examples .

One-on-one consulting for
YOUR happy organization

During my one-on-one sessions you will receive:

  • Listening: through a survey, I will help you listen to yourself, become more aware of your innermost needs, of what is really important for you in your life, to assist you in creating YOUR happy organization;

  • Tools: based on your needs, I will recommend the most effective tools for organizing your time and processes and for administering your accounts (personal-business).

  • Solutions: thanks to a network of professionals (from the professional organizer to the financial advisor), I can recommend the best life-simplifying solution for you.

  • Monitoring: regular check-ups on progress

  • Periodic reassessment:in case of needed adjustments or if a particular area requires a boost.

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